Since 2001, the 2012 Kravis Prize recipient organization Mothers2Mothers has worked to improve the quality of life for thousands of HIV-infected women around the world.

On the Huffington Post’s Global Motherhood blog, Mentor mother Nozi Samela discusses how she has helped hundreds of newly diagnosed pregnant women and mothers by sharing her own experience of living with the virus.

Samela tells her story in three video blogs, with the Huffington Post  providing the following summary of  the first two segments:

“Samela shared her despair after learning she was HIV- positive, the critical support and information she received from    mothers2mothers to stay healthy and prevent transmission of HIV to her baby son, her devastation over the tragic death of her first son when he was three years old, and her excitement when she found out she was pregnant again.”

Her most recent video blog, “The Greatest Gift,” concludes the series with the announcement of her HIV-free baby daughter.

“Look at my baby,” Samela says, “and think to yourself, how wonderful it would be if all children born in Africa could be as healthy and as happy.”

Click here to watch Nozi Samela’s full video blog.