Since its inception in 1994, Pratham, India’s largest non-governmental advocacy organization for quality education, has opened doors of opportunity for millions of underprivileged children.

The Kravis Prize congratulates Pratham USA as this year’s winner of the Times of India Social Impact Award in the category of “International Contribution to India.”

In a press release announcing the award, Pratham includes remarks by Arvind Sanger, chairman of Pratham USA’s board of directors.

“This award not only recognizes the efforts of Pratham USA, but most importantly, it recognizes the continued generosity of our donors, both large and small…Every donor to Pratham USA has a strong belief that education provides the foundation for individuals to raise themselves socially and economically. Our donors understand that they have succeeded because of education and they want their resources to support the children of India in their own path to success.”

The release details Pratham’s immense contribution to India’s future through its range of educational programs, as well as the organization’s annual research study that tracks the educational investment across the nation.

“Pratham USA should serve as a model for many communities in the U.S. as they support global, social and economic transformations,” says Dr. Molly Easo Smith, Executive Director of Pratham USA. “The Indian American community understands the concept of organized and impact-focused philanthropy as a basis for significant social change globally.”

We applaud Pratham USA on earning this prestigious award and trust their efforts to redefine educational quality in India will continue to receive the international acclaim it deserves.

Please read the full press release here.