Victoria Beckham empties her closets for mothers2mothers
Fashion designer and pop singer Victoria Beckham celebrated the work of mothers2mothers earlier this year in the pages of Vogue and People Magazine, but she isn't done yet. Later this month, Beckham will auction off more than 600 items of clothing from her personal...

m2m’s mission in sync with recent Clinton remarks on AIDS prevention
For Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the key to the successful future treatment and prevention of HIV and AIDS must focus on the most intimate human relationship of all. Mother and child. "We are trying to help countries eliminate mother-to-child transmission," he...
Webinar Focuses on How Nonprofits Can Make Mission Matter
"Mission creep" is a pervasive and extremely debilitating problem that afflicts all too many nonprofit organizations. According to presenters Kim Starkey Jonker and William F. Meehan III, it is the No. 1 reason why nonprofits fail to achieve the impact for...

N.Y. event raises $1 million to advance HKI’s global, life-saving work
A number of CMCers were in New York at the end of May to attend a Spirit of Helen Keller Gala, which raised approximately $1 million dollars for the nonprofit’s global, life-saving work in preventing blindness and malnutrition. Joining the guest list in support of the...

For FAWE in Rwanda, 1,200 is a magic number
Why is 1,200 a magic number? Because it refers to all of the young Rwandan women from vulnerable families who will have a chance to finish their schooling thanks to a project co-created by the Rwandan Chapter of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE). The...

m2m makes Mother’s Day a time for social impact
Mother's Day is a golden opportunity not just to honor our own mothers, but many others, too. 2012 Kravis Prize recipient mothers2mothers has teamed up with an award-winning journalist and a philanthropic non-profit as part of their campaign, "Double Your Mommy,"...

With Victoria Beckham in Africa: m2m in the headlines, on ‘Good Morning, America’
When Victoria Beckham, pop icon and fashion designer married to soccer great David Beckham, traveled to Cape Town, South Africa, in February to learn more about mother-to-child transmission of HIV, she spent time with the founder and several members of...
Pop musician Ryan Lewis’ story sheds light on m2m’s work
Along with the travels of Victoria Beckham to South Africa and her efforts to raise awareness about mother-to-child HIV transmission and the work of mothers2mothers, another figure in the world of pop culture and entertainment is also shedding light on this crucial...

BRAC’s Abed joins Dalai Lama, Angelina Jolie, others in Fortune Top 50
Who are the world's 50 greatest leaders, according to Fortune Magazine? Along with Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and actress-activist Angelina Jolie, Fazle Abed has been honored as one of the world's "50 greatest leaders" by the magazine for turning the...

BBVA goes to Pratham; Kravis Prize honors 10th recipient in its ninth year
Knowledge that can radically change lives is a potent form of knowledge that cuts across categories and barriers -- that's been the key to Pratham's success for more than 20 years, and it's also the reason why the Mumbai-based organization and 2010 Kravis Prize...